Welcome to the Coastal Bend Women Lawyers Association
February CLE Reception
Pathways to the Bench featuring Coastal Bend Women in the Judiciary
Register today to hear about each unique journey to the bench.+ Tuesday, February 11, 2025 The Gold Fish 724 N. Mesquite St. 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 1 Hour CLE Credit*
+ Coastal Bend Women in the Judiciary receive complimentary registration. Kindly RSVP.
* CLE credit subject to State Bar of Texas MCLE approval. CLE credit for current members. Join or Renew your membership today!
The CBWLA provides CLE Opportunities for membership every 2nd Tuesday of the month. CLE credit subject to State Bar of Texas MCLE approval.
2024–2025 Board of Directors
President | Madison Hagopian Vice-President|Celina Lopez Leon Treasurer | Andrea Holley Secretary | Alexandria Monroe Past-President | Stephanie Ibarra
On May 28, 2024, the current Board finalized the 2024-2025 Board slate (CLICK HERE TO VIEW). Current CBWLA members will vote for the proposed slate on June 11, 2024, at our regularly scheduled monthly CLE opportunity.
Who We Are
We are a diverse group of women and men who work, live, and socialize in the Coastal Bend area. The Coastal Bend area includes Nueces, San Patricio, Kleberg, Kenedy, Jim Wells, Aransas, and Refugio counties.
Our members include lawyers in the public service and government sectors, as well as those practicing in a wide range of civil law specialities, including family law, personal injury, employment law, and social security disability.