Monthly CLE LuncheonsFREE CLE every month for members with a paid lunch. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for lunch at the Corpus Christi Yacht Club where we will have a 1 hr free CLE presentation with a paid lunch. Lunch for members is $20 with a RSVP and $22 without RSVP. Non-members can join us but only members will receive CLE credit.
UnwinedRegular Networking events. We host "Unwined" events at the home of a member, one of our local judges, or a local business where we gather and where you are encouraged to bring a bottle of wine (or other beverage of your preference) to enjoy or share with others. Our "Unwined" events are normally from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
Membership DirectoryMembership Directory. Members will be listed on the membership directory portion of our website.